BulletProof FTP Client for Windows
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64-bit & 32-bit

* Update: Upgrade Available: When the program is up-to-date, a message is now displayed in the log-window versus using an interactive (modal) dialog requiring the user to click OK.
* Fix: It was possible for the ftp-server to send a "mangled" directory listing (that does not adhere to standards) which could cause the program to raise an Access-Violation.
* Update: In processing *very* large directories (with over 1000 files), the program would "freeze" as it processed. Added hooks to process Windows-Messages.
* Fix: Correction for the storage location in the Windows Registry for user-interface elements on the main form. Previous location was "Software\BulletProof Software\BulletProof FTP Client", new location is "Software\BulletProof Software\BulletProof FTP Client 2010"
* Fix: Installed a MinWidth for columns within the Local and Remote files listing, this will keep the column from being "hid" with a width < 0

* Update: Made Bookmarks-Manager a sizeable dialog-box

* New Release featuring a rewrite of the underlying code

* Update: Added ESC key handling to all dialogs
* Update: Tighter integration with BPFTP Server (www.bpftpserver.com)

* Fix: Reworked the "Confirm" dialog which asks for Resume|Rename|Overwrite|Skip if the file exists. This resolves the program of "Cannot focus disabled/invisible window".

* Fix: Stack Overflow on closing the application, there was a call to the same method to close the app on close app, resulting in a stack-overflow due to recursion
* Fix: Bug found in over > 2GB file-support due in the resuming of a file and the compiler incorrectly using the INT32 version of fileseek(), instead of the INT64 version
* Update: Added the Saving of Toolbar positions to the Windows Registry
* Update: Extensively tested the "Recursive Delete" hang-problem. There are no indications that this is a problem in this build.
* Fix: Correct a problem in showing the file currently transfered in the StatusBar in the first panel position (far-left)
* Fix: Settings were not being saved correctly in Options, on accepting the dialog with OK
* Fix: The sound for OnDisconnect was not being played when disconnecting from the FTP Server
* Update: count and file-size summary of Local/Remote/Queued files, hints and other data now displayed in the StatusBar (ported from v2.45)

* Fix: Stack Overflow on closing the application, seems to be something in old WndProc code to handle TrayIcons
* Update: New About screen to handle Large Fonts

* Fix: Bookmark Manager should no longer show off the screen
* Update: Default Local-Directory is now set to "c:\" when "default.bps" does not exist
* Change: BulletProof FTP Client is now under the ownership of BulletProof Software LLC
* Change: Compiler update D2005sp3 to D2007sp3
* Change: Modernized all thirdparty code

* Change: Refactoring of Buttons in Bookmark/Site Manager
* Update: Moved the saving of User-Options to save on closing of the Options Dialog. Previously the code was saving BPCSettings on FormDestroy of the BPCBookmarksDlg, this was a very obfustcated point and prone to failure; as the state of User Settings were no saved until termination of the program. An exception or other unhandled-error could result in a failure to save User-Settings. Previously, the code was issuing BPEngine_Save_Settings on FormDestory
* Fix: When right-clicking in the Queued-Actions for a context menu, the option "Remove All Queued Actions"; Previously, this option only seemed to work if you highlighted all of the items first.
* Fix: When right-clicking in the Queued-Actions for a context menu, the option "Remove Selected Actions"; this used to only delete the first selected item and *could* do more than one, but the code wasn't good and it was probably skipping every other selected entry. Fixed it and made it work as it should, any item (regardless of its position) will be removed from queued-actions.

v2.59 2006-12-04 Build 50
* Fix: In Options, solved a problem in saving "Monitor Clipboard" and the expert options "Delete After Download", "Fast Dir Change" and "Leech Mode"
* Update: Version number did not correctly increment in v2.59, as it still showed v2.58 in the v2.59 build. I will now used FULL version numbers, ie:
* Update: In the About-Box, made "Single Click" close the dialog in addition to dbl-click.
* Change: Reworked the "Check for Updates" to direct a web-browser to a new location on the website for "Version Updates" which helps to step customers through updating their copy of the software. The software will no longer download the software via the Queued-Actions, this is good as it keeps from confusing less "technical" customers. Passing ver/reguser/id to update page in order to deliver a custom version-update page.
* Fix: Right-clicking on an empty queued-actions will no longer display "Remove Queued Action" (as there are no actions to remove if it's empty)
* Fix: Found a HUGE problem in the way Actions were being called, BPCActions.ExecuteAction(actionSOMENAME) doesn't work. Need to call it with actionSOMENAME.Execute(). 32 OCCURRENCES IN SOURCE-FILE:BPCMAIN
* Fix: Removed the "Language" menu options until the next build when I can fix the localization functionality.

v2.59 2006-11-30 Build 49
* Internal Release: No Publicly Released Build for this version

v2.59 2006-11-15 Build 48
* Urgent Fix: FS#65 - command not understood errors due to extra space. -- Due to a restructuring of and centralization of the issuing of FTP Protocol Commands into a single function. A bug was introduced in which a trailing " "==0x20==SPACE was added to the command sent to the FTP Server. Although most FTP Servers will trim extra whitespace from commands. Two customers have reported problems with FTP Servers and an immediate fix was issued.

v2.58 2006-11-09 Build 47
* Change: Set the init value of "ShowWelcomeMessage" to FALSE. Because people don't like seeing a "pop-up" window containing the FTP Server's MOTD.
* Change: Set the init value of "ShowSitesOnStartup" to FALSE. Because the Bookmark Mgr is pretty confusing and doesn't look good (yet).
* Fix: Found a HUGE problem in the way Actions were being called, BPCActions.ExecuteAction(actionSOMENAME) doesn't work. Need to call it with actionSOMENAME.Execute(). 45 Occurrences.
* Fix: Found another set of occurences in the registry where values where being READ during LOAD with a " '==0x20==SPACE character in-fron of the variable names. This was causing a failure to retrieve the value. The Sound and LogFile settings were affected in "Options" (ConnectSound, DownloadSound, DisconnectSound, LogFileName)
* Update: Set the init values for the LogWindow/Splitter and QueueWindow/Splitter to better position on form.
* Update: Removed Crash-Report from Executable as the code was designed to allow Unhandled Exceptions. This caused a problem as Crash-Reports were being initiated when it wasn't an actual crash. :(
* Fix: In changing the MainToolbar of the program, there were several old components that we left in the resources for the program. This was causing code which referred to these old components to be compiled, but since so much of the old code is tied to UI pieces for their state and operation; this caused the Connect|Disconnect buttons to not work as designed. Found bade resources and converted code to use Actions (MainToolbar_Connect|Disconnect|Abort|ClearAll|BookmarksMgr|BookmarksAdd|EnterURL|Options|FileView)
* Fix: CTRL-G wasn't connecting to the FTP Server (if the connection wasn't made yet). If you were connected, everything would work just fine and the queue would be executed; but only if you were first connected to the FTP Server.
* Fix: Buf #41 - ESockError: Error 10053 (Software caused connection abort) sending.
* Fix: Bug #43 - ESockError: Error 10038 (Socket operation on non-socket) getting # of bytes in Receive Buffer.
* Fix: Bug #44 - EZeroDivide: Floating point division by zero.
* Fix: Bug #45 - ESockError: Error 10054 (Connection reset by peer) recieving.
* Fix: Bug #47 - EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00684FE5 in module 'bpftpclient.exe'. Read of addres
* Fix: Bug #55 - ESockError: Error 11001 (Host not found) finding address for host.

v2.57 2006-10-19 Build 45
* Fix: Major Clean up and consolidation of internal routines (removed ToolbarPerform_* in favor of all code consolidated in BPCActions.ExecuteAction())
* Fix: Bug #33 - EZeroDivide: Floating point division by zero. Wrapped all division operands with a try..except..end
* Fix: Bug #42 - ESockError: Error 11001 (Host not found) finding address for host. This was the result of the MaskEdit component which took in the BPCSettings.Firewall_ForcedIP, but allowed SPACES to be in the IP address (example "192.168.  0. 80"). This information was then feed into BPFTP Client when operating in PORT mode and caused this exception to occur during the data-connection via PORT MODE.
* Fix: Found a type-o in the values being WRITTEN to the registry in which the variable name had a " "==0x20==SPACE character in-front of the variable named. This was causing a failure to retrieve the value (as the READ did not have the space), but a success on saving. Variables were all in \BPFTPKEY\Options and were "HTTPFirewallPassword","FirewallPassword","FirewallLogin","FirewallType","PassiveMode","DynamicPorts","LowPort","HighPort"
* Code Clean-Up: Refactoring and Cleaning up of Main code (BPCMain), got about 75% of function-naming normalized and 30% of all procedures/variables pretty-printed

v2.56 2006-10-16 MMC
Build 44: This release is a mantenance release of v2.5x
* Update: Crash-Report, Hooked in a Crash-Report as an ExceptionHandler with Bug-Report Sending (madExcept-PRO, v3.0b)
* Fix: ABORT button, code was not enabled to let it work normally.
* Update: Replaced BarManager for Host/Port/User/Password with one that supported hidding the password (DevExpress converted to Raize)
* Fix: Tools -> Download Options wasn't working, action wasn't connected to code (actionOptionsDownload).
* Fix: Tools -> ASCII File Extensions wasn't working, action wasn't connected to code (actionOptionsASCIIFile)
* Fix: RemoteToolBar's ChangeFolder button wasn't working, action wasn't connect to code (actionRemoteChangeFolder)
* Fix: QueueForDownload button on the Remote-Files (it was issuing a QueueForUpload)
* Fix: Tools -> Export Bookmarks wasn't working, action wasn't connected to code (actionBookmarksExport)
* Code Clean-Up: Refactoring of most constants in which the variable number was not UPPERCASE, unclear naming/function, good stuff (BPCConst)
* Code Clean-Up: Variable Refactoring and un-obfuscatation of code (AC-style) in QueueFiles() and QueueFile()
* Code Clean-Up: Refactoring and normalization of constants (BPCConst)
* Fix: Options -> General Options; the index to checkboxes in this panel were jumbled up and settings were not being saved to the correct variables (BPCSettings)
* Fix: Options -> UI Options; the index to checkboxes in this panel were jumbled up and settings were not being saved to the correct variables (BPCSettings)
* Update: Changed "Show Bookmarks On Startup" to be TRUE on inital install, as most people *need* Bookmarks as the Toolbar doesn't make sense to them.
* Fix: AccessViolation on leaving the FTP Port field. It was doing some funky typecasting removed in CurSite_PortExt()

v2.55 2006-10-12 MMC
Build 42: This release constitues a maintence release of v2.55.0.41
* Fixed a problem with the Connect|Disconnect Buttons. Disconnect was correctly issuing a "disconnect", but then immediately issuing a "connect".
* Overhaul of the Options Dialog, alignment, restructuring of internal value tracking/saving/loading, moved EXPERT options to it's own group
* Rework of Actions assigned to UI buttons, cleaned up Toolbars and setup "groups" aka separators
* Fixed the ICON showed for actionQueueXferASCII
* Moved Localizer to v3.5.7; preparing for language translations

v2.54 2006-10-11 MMC
Build 41: Geez, where to start! This update has almost been a year in the making and is a MAJOR reworking of the code.
* Completely new User-Interface with full support of advanced window docking and new icons/resources
* With this new version, work has begun on creating a shared codebase from all BulletProof products (BPFTP Client/Server, Go!Zilla, MP3 Strip_It! and SmartExplorer)
* New Installer, Inno 5.1.7
* Major Version updates from underlying third-party components
* Compiler Update D2005 sp3
! Future Changes will be tracked and explicity denoted in FlySpray and made available in future changelog entries

v2.53 2006-02-22 MMC
Build 41: New MainMenu visual styling (TMSSoftware)
Build 40: Changed the method of displaying Hint/Tips in addition to making sure all hints on the main window are displayed correctly.
Build 39: Fixes to the MainMenu which did not correctly handle selections/HotKeys for several of the menu items
Build 39: New Options panel which better displays user-selectable settings, in additional to being fully sizeable for low resolution environments
Build 39: Put fix into place for the loading of BP Session-Files prior to v2.50 (Tag Line was changed, resulting in "Not a Valid BP Session File" error)
Build 39: Put a number of fixes in place where SpinEdit's were not hand-editable (only click up/down to change) and fixed the Min/Max Value where many of them defaulted to 0 -> 100

v2.52 2005-11-10 MMC
* Version 2.51 was incorrectly thinking that it was still v2.50
* Fixed a bug which didn't allow the viewing of the Bookmark Manager via the MainMenu or HotKey Ctrl-S

v2.51 2005-11-03 MMC
* Made change to allow the server PORT to be set to >=1, <= 65536. BlankValue=21. Increased width of field to allow more digits.

v2.50 2005-10-31 MMC
* Major Update
* New Compiler (D2005)
* Updates to major components
* New UI, Graphics and Layout
* New Codebase with nearly 75% of every line touched

v2.45 2004-08-15 MMC
* Minor Bug Fixes
* Added a new Helper-Tool for Users to see their Local/Internet IP

v2.44 2003-05-29 MMC
* Change to allow "Browse" button in "Files on My Computer" panel to see "My Computer" as root
* Set a min height for the Queue window to prevent it's sizing to make it invisible
* Added a size-grip to the Status Bar at bottom of program's main window

* Min UI Changes

v2.42 2002-10-14 MMC
* Sizing bars now visible
* Labeled Left, Right and Queue Windows of Main Form (Your Computer, Remote Computer)
* Changed Copyright message in About
* New Installer with Bundle Support
* Increased the size of the PORT field on Main Form
* Help->Enter Registration Key, created 3 new fields for the hand input of the dreaded BPFTP.REG
* Renaming to "BulletProof FTP (Client)" in most areas.

v2.40 13th December 2001
* Many changes/bugfixes/improvements.

v2.35 7th August 2001
* Interface font size and type now configurable, particularly useful for using BPFTP in complex font languages (such as Chinese) where   a larger font size than the default is required for readability.
* Many new translations of BPFTP available at www.bpftp.com/local.html. Check them out!
* Ctrl-A is now used in BPFTP's file panes in-line with Windows OS standards as being "select all".
* Other minor updates and bugfixes.

V2.3 16th May 2001
* Multiple-Languages now included by default! BPFTP now includes some of the most popular languages in the standard download so you can easily switch to your native language.
* New language check to allow you to locate new BPFTP translations if your native langauge is not included or not available yet.
* Password protect BPFTP while its running! Step away from the PC and set a password for BPFTP, then only you can unlock it on your return. Knowledge of your transfers are safe from work mates, family and "friends".
* Other minor updates and bugfixes.

V2.2 14th April 2001
* Localisation made easier! We made BPFTP ready for foreign languages in the last version now its easier to switch between languages you have installed with the "language" menu.
* Specify Port-Range: Our Force-IP feature in the last version was very well received, this adds to this feature allowing you to select port-ranges BPFTP uses.
* Minor changes/enhancements and a couple of little bugs squashed.
* New translations of BPFTP available at www.bpftp.com/local.html. Check them out!

V2.1 4th April 2001
* Localisation! That's right BPFTP is now localisation ready and over the coming months non-English versions of BPFTP will be released to make it easy for  those who speak other languages to utilise BPFTP in their day-to-day internet experience. Check out http://www.bpftp.com/local.html for the currently available localised versions.
* Force IP: allowing you to set the IP address BPFTP will pass-on as yours when you connect to an FTP server. This will help anyone connecting to firewalled server's through routers/firewalls on a non-standard (21) port.
* Many minor changes/enhancements and a couple of little bugs squashed.

V2.0 4th January 2001
* Comes with MP3 miner as a free optional download!
* BPFTP controllable by third party applications!  Separate download available for easy integration
  with any Delphi application.
* Brand new caching system that uses a flatfile database instead of using a separate file for each
* The usual bugfixes and many minor changes/enhancements.

V1.26 14th November 2000
* CuteFTP 4 sitelists can be imported.
* Bugfixes

V1.25 19th October 2000
* All 4 panes can be toggled off/on (log window, local listing, remote listing, queue)
* Dramatic speedup for large queues (up to 50+ times faster).
* New firewall options.
* A few minor fixes

V1.21 17th May 2000
* Fixed a few problems with V1.20

V1.20 11th May 2000
* General speed improvements.
* BPFTP can automatically queue mp3s in winamp.
* Minor problems fixed.
* Intelligent clipboard monitoring; BPFTP now understands a vast variety of
  formats such as
  host 123.234.345.456 user: ftp pass: ftp
  IP user/pass: test
* Other minor things.

V1.15 6th October 1999
* Due to the large number of people requesting it, icons are now color the whole
* BPFTP uses Windows icons for files, instead of the plain one it used to use.
* Change directory appears next to the current directory, and no longer in the
* Exporting/importing a sitelist now also exports/imports the sitename.
* Problems with V1.14 were fixed.

V1.14 29th August 1999
* New graphics!  The interface has had a much needed overhaul and looks a lot
  better; make sure that Windows is set to use at least 256 colors for full
* If BPFTP is minimized to the tray and a connection is made, it'll blink to
  let you know.
* You can now configure BPFTP to pop up a box on connect, containing the welcome
  message for the FTP site.
* Partial downloads;  You can select files to be partially downloaded then aborted
  automatically, for previewing music files for example.
* Aborting a download works with more servers now.

V1.13 29th June 1999
* New "fast" option for "cache entire structure", many times faster than the
  original way of doing things. (doesn't work with all servers though).
* The bug where files were not always resumed has been resolved.
* When using Main|new session, session files are named according to the site
  address, much less cryptic than date/time naming.
* "Monitor directory" greatly improved, and now also works on Windows NT systems.
* "Bring dialog to front" now works on Win98 systems.
* Other minor changes.

Previous version history removed.

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